Friday, June 5, 2009

PTA directs ISPs to check grey traffic…

KARACHI: Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has directed all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to ensure that their networks are not used for illegal call/voice termination and such cases of grey telephony are brought into the notice of PTA immediately.

These directions were issued in a meeting on the issue of Grey Traffic held at PTA Headquarters. Chairman PTA, Dr.Mohammed Yaseen, chaired the meeting. Members and senior officers of the authority were also present in the meeting. It was observed that ISP bandwidth and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are being used for the termination of illegal voice. staff report

PTA issues WLL Licences for AJ&K, NAs…

Islamabad—Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has awarded Wireless Local Loop (WLL) licenses to M/s PTCL and M/s Wateen for three regions of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ & K) and Northern Areas (NAs) during a license signing ceremony held at PTA Headquarters today.

The ceremony was presided over by Chairman PTA, Dr. Mohammed Yaseen while Member (Finance), Syed Nasrul Karim Ghaznavi, Member (Technical) Dr. Khawar Siddique Khokhar, senior officers of the Authority and representatives of PTCL and Wateen were also present on this occasion.

The issuance of WLL licenses would augment the efforts of government to provide enhanced and affordable telecom services to the people of the AJ & K and NAs. This step is likely to capture huge investment in 3 Telecom Regions (TR) including Mirpur, Muzaffarabad and Northern Areas.

While speaking on this occasion, Chairman PTA said that earlier there was only one telecom operator in AJ&K and NAs but when competition was introduced and new operators started their services, all segments of the sector witnessed rapid growth. With a teledensity figure of 3.59% in the Year 2005-06, the region was lagging far behind from the rest of the country in terms of telecommunication services. Two years after the deregulation in the area, the teledensity of AJ&K and NAs today stands at 37.46%. Mobile subscribers figure of 0.167 Million of 2005-06 has now jumped to 1.84 Million subscribers.

The Chairman said that WLL is a wireless technology, which best suits to the environments in AJ&K and NAs as the service had proved very useful in other far-flung areas of the country. He said that the people of low income groups in rural areas would greatly benefit from this service. He said PTA would extend full cooperation to the telecom operators in the successful operation of their business.

These licenses were awarded on the basis of a bidding conducted by PTA in November last year. In the bidding of spectrum in 3.5 GHz for Mirpur (TR-1) one block was taken by PTCL at the highest bid of Rs.10 million while other was withdrawn because there was no second bidder for the TR-1. For Muzaffarabad (TR-2) PTCL gave the highest bid of Rs. 4 million followed by Wateen which matched the price. For Northern Areas (TR-3) Wateen offered highest bid of Rs. 4 million and second block went to PTCL for the same price. In total 26 million rupees were collected against the auction price of 5 WLL licenses in 3 regions.

Mobilink signs MoU with ERU …

KARACHI: Mobilink signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Emergency Response Unit (ERU) to establish Mobilink Camp in Kund, which will support 1,000 families of IDPs for a period of 3 months.

Director Public Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility Mobilink, Omar Manzur said, “Estimated at about Rs 80 million or $1 million, the project has been made possible by Orascom’s continued support for this noble cause.” He said our teams would remain personally involved in various areas of camp management, procurement of items and other requirements. staff report

Microsoft, Sony take aim at Nintendo Wii at E3 (AP)…

LOS ANGELES – This year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo has been quite the moving experience. During presentations at the video game industry trade show, both Microsoft and Sony debuted prototype motion-control devices for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 that could rival Nintendo’s popular Wii, the first console to employ a motion-detecting controller when it debuted in 2006.

Nintendo said Wednesday they are flattered by the imitations.

“It’s certainly nice for us to see other companies adopting the philosophy that Nintendo communicated back a few years ago,” said Cammie Dunaway, executive vice president of sales and marketing at Nintendo of America. “For us, we’re really pleased and excited to bring consumers the next advancement now with Wii MotionPlus.”

Nintendo mostly used the show as an opportunity to showcase Wii MotionPlus, an attachment announced at last year’s E3 that uses sensors to more precisely mimic gamers’ hand movements on screen. The only new apparatus Nintendo debuted this year was the Wii Vitality Sensor, which can check a player’s pulse. The doodad prompted some to wonder if Nintendo had run out of ideas.

“That sensor was slightly bizarre,” said Paul Jackson, an analyst at Forrester. “But it plays into the success that Nintendo has had with ‘Wii Fit’ on the health and lifestyle front. I imagine that one does get a bit weary of new things that you can plug into your Wii. I just can’t see the Wii Vitality Sensor having more than two or three applications.”

Meanwhile, Microsoft unveiled a motion control device, codenamed “Project Natal,” that combines a camera, depth sensor, microphone and processor to eliminate the need for any button-mashing input device. Microsoft said the gadget can track a players’ full body movement, recognize their face and voice and respond to their physical and vocal commands.

The Xbox maker demonstrated “Project Natal” with three prototype programs: “Ricochet,” a soccerlike game that requires players to use their entire bodies to bounce balls at targets; “Paint Party,” an art-making program that uses a players’ hands and arms as the brush; and “Milo,” essentially a virtual boy who can communicate and interact with the player.

“The first two games Microsoft previewed were very polished, but ‘Milo’ showed where this stuff can go above and beyond in gaming,” said Jackson. “I don’t think people have seen anything like that outside of artificial intelligence labs in universities. It showed ‘Natal’ wasn’t just about flaying around or responding to commands on a screen.”

Sony’s motion-control gizmo was decidedly less astonishing. The unnamed wand-shaped apparatus has a light-emitting sphere on the end that can be “seen” by a PlayStation Eye camera. It was demonstrated with software that transformed it on-screen into objects such as a sword, flashlight and gun with one-to-one motion control — much like Wii MotionPlus.

“If you look at the consumer that is playing ‘God of War III’ or playing ‘Killzone 2,’ they’re not typically somebody who may be the biggest Wii consumer,” said Jack Tretton, president at Sony Computer Entertainment America. “I think we have the opportunity to improve the experience for the casual gamer, but also address the hardcore gamer with the motion controller.”

Sony promised it would conjure up the wand-shaped controller by next spring while Microsoft was mum on when “Natal” was due on store shelves. Neither company showcased any actual games for their flashy new devices, leaving many questions about the motion control technologies unanswered. Perhaps the most important one of all: Will they live up to the hype?

Awarding contract to unlicensed firms stuns PAC sub-committee

ISLAMABAD (June 03 2009): The sub-committee of Public Accounts Committee (PAC) was stunned to know that National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) had awarded contracts to two unlicensed companies, while Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) did not bother to go into lengthy details of violation made by the corporation.

The audit authorities told the PAC sub-committee here on Tuesday, chaired by MNA, Khawaja Asif to take up the special report on the accounts of NTC for the period 2001-06, which points towards plethora of misappropriations and non-adjustment of Rs 1.5 billion by the gateway contractors.

The committee expressed dismay over the performance of PTA and directed the NTC to arrange a briefing for the PAC sub-committee on June 08. "We can not settle the paras unless the public money is not recovered. The PAC is eager to know on what ground it has not taken any action against NTC", Asif remarked.

Section 20 of PTA act, 1996 says that no person shall establish, maintain or operate any telecommunication system/service unless he has obtained a license and no licensee shall establish maintain or operate any telecommunication system, which is not authorised under the license.

In sheer violation of the PTA rules NTC entered into contract agreement on October 2000 with CATCOM for establishing international gateway exchanges, pre-paid calling card service, pay phone system and call centres etc. In another case, the corporation did the same in the contract agreement with M/s CATCOM and M/s ZAHRA on April 2002, again clearly ignoring the PTA rules.

The audit reports further revealed that the corporation also did not clarify media secrecy arrangements prior to the 2002 commissioning of international connectivity by M/s CATCOM, which was found involved in a case of illegal termination of international traffic in September 2001.

The report said trade debt of the corporation increased by 173 percent, from Rs 586.97 million in 2001-02 to Rs 1.60 billion in 2005-06. The audit officials also highlighted a non-transparent award of contracts. They said that the NTC had been set up to provide telecommunication services only to designated customers within Pakistan, in an effort to segregate government and defence telecommunication networks to ensure their communication security after the privatisation of the PTCL.

But the NTC and its gateway contractors did not implement the agreed security measures. Audit authorities told the PAC the NTC management invested Rs 3.37 billion of working capital and surplus of receipts in 15 private commercial or foreign banks as six-month short-term deposits during 2004-05 and 2005-06, in violation of the rules to grease their palms with profit earned on the deposit.

They told the sub committee that in view of these malpractice's, the special audit of NTC was carried out on the request of the Ministry of Information Technology during 2006-07. It said that the DAC was held in February 2007 wherein audit observations were discussed and report was finalised/approved in April 2007.

The report contains five issues ie organisation and administrative structure, NTC's financial status, international gateway operation, investments and enterprise resource planning.

The PAC was told that the organisation and administrative structure of NTC highlights the weakness in the constitution of NTC management board and notification/exercise of financial powers/without approval of the finance division. The special audit report said that the contract for enterprise resource planning was awarded without approval by the DWP. The expenditure of Rs 6.682 million had been wasted.